
Visit Raytac in Global Sources 2018 Fall Exhibition, Hong Kong

With over 3,800 exhibitors gathering in Hong Kong, Global Sources has become one of  the largest specialized sourcing trade fair around electronics. We are excited to announce that Raytac will be in attendance over there to present our latest products:  515nm Direct Green Laser Module(Osram Solution) 1. Ultra Low Power Green Laser Module 2. Temperature Compensation Laser Module (TC Laser) 3. Green Laser Pointer 4. Green Laser Presenter BT5/BT4.2 BLE Module (Nordic Solution)  1. Nordic nRF52840 Solution Module: MDBT50Q Series 2. Nordic nRF52810 Solution AT Command Module 3. Nordic nRF52832 Solution AT Command Module To know more about Raytac, why not come over to have a chat! Looking forward to seeing you in Hong Kong! Raytac Corporation A member of SIG and Thread Group Ultra Low Power Direct Green Laser Module Maker Temperature Compensation (TC) Laser Module Maker  ...

Why 515nm Direct Green Laser?

Why Green Laser become popular?  Surely because of the visibility! Green Laser has 8 times luminosity efficiency higher than Red Laser! Luminosity

Why Application Changed from DPSS Green Laser To Direct Green Laser

Recently, green laser application has been moved from DPSS solution to Directed green. Not only becasue of the lower power consumption, but also a safer, wider range of operation temperature and stability concerns. Diode-pumped Solid-State Laser called as DPSS。 In decades, 532nm DPSS green laser has been played an important role for laser application in all fields. However, upon the structure of 532nm green laser, it brought up an inherent problem and concerns limited the applications and usage. Below picture listed some structure of DPSS green laser.   532nm green laser pumps by an 200mW 808nm invisiable laser diode. The laser through KTP and YVO4 to change the wavelength from 808nm to 1064nm and to 532 nm. During the power stepping, KTP and YVO4 are bringing the factor which confilct each other. Therefore, accompany with the temperature changing, KTP and YVO4 may lost the balance and result in the 532nm laser stop working. Furthermore, as the 532nm laser created ...

消費者生活用製品安全法について / Laser PSC 雷射激光日本安規

Quoted from:   By レーザーポインター専門店 LASERS レーザーポインターが分類される、携帯用レーザー応用装置などの安全を取り締まる為に制定された法律です。 本法律施行前には、高出力(3~5mW)の安全に配慮されていないレーザーポインターが安価に玩具としても売られており、子供の手に入りやすかった事もあ り、長時間、敢えて目に照射する我慢比べの様な遊びなど、不適切な使用により視力が落ちるなどの重大な事故が起きてしまいました。 これらのことから、安全を確保する為に消費生活用製品安全法が制定され、基準に適合したもの以外の販売などが禁止されたました。 適合させる為には、経済産業省が認定した機関による厳しい工場検査や製品検査をクリアーしなければなりません。 認証を受けた製品にはPSCラベルが貼られています。 PSCマーク(特別特定製品) 政省令として規制に関する法律が本年1月31日付で施行となりました。(猶予期1ヶ月で実際の施行は2007年3月1日より)具体的な規制内容に関しては、経済産業省のホームページ内の などをご参照ください。 安全を配慮しなければならない為ではありますが、これにより以前と比較すると製品が下記のよう変更になりました。 出力の規制 クラス2相当(最大出力1mW) もっと明るい、見え易い、到達距離が長いレーザーポインターが実現不可に 電池の規制 単3~5電池2本使用 ボタン電池が使用できず、電池も1本ではいけない為、薄い、短いレーザーポインターが実現不可に 出力安定化回路の搭載義務 製造コストが高価にグリーンレーザーの品質管理が難しくなる 通電表示の義務 製造コストが高価に 通電維持 不可 手を離しても常時照射が不可に レーザーポインターの危険性については国民生活センター「くらしの危険」 ( ) などをご参照ください。 關於消費者生活用製品安全法 將雷射指示器分類...

Raytac Announced Ultra Low Power Green Laser Module

Raytac is excited to announce the new green laser module has recorded the ultra low power achievement. With years on working in digital, high frequency, and opto-electroinc device developments, Raytac has accumulated comprehensive knowledge and experience to create a cutting edge improvement in green laser field.The green laser module employs Osram direct green laser diode, benefits from Rayta'c hardware and firmware effort providing a high stability, ultra low power consumption green laser module performance. The laser pointer equipped Raytac's Class II green laser module has recorded >100hrs battery life time Raytac's latest launched green laser modules encompasses a wide rage of technologies addressing a number of different motivations. The module incorporated a pulsed laser operation at a fixed repetition rate and a wide range of operation temperature between -20 °C ~60 °C. The enrichment has dramatically improved the user scenario in commercial and ...

Raytac 515nm Direct Laser Module Product Base located in Taiwan

Mostly, the laser module production base in in China which has raised customers concern involved in trade conflict between US and China. We here would like to announced that All Raytac's laser module is Made In Taiwan, which can help customers escape the trade war risk. Raytac Corporation A direct green module maker              Tel: +886.2.3234.0208 email:

Japanese PSC Laser Safety Regulation

Laser safety is critical to protect consumers from injury and harm when using. Thus, countries have set up different standards such FDA for USA; CE for EU; PSC for Japan. Within these regulation, Japanese PSC is the most discreet. Not only product itself need to comply with the regulation, but also manufacturer and a Japanese domestic importer need to be managed by country. According to the Japanese testing Lab "JQA" "Portable laser devices which emit laser light (limited to visible light) or which are designed to display letters or images are "special specified products". Products like laser pointers and laser thermometers are included in this scope." General speaking, a qualified laser product need to follow below spec and steps to apply PSC mark Design Stage 1. Design the laser product under Class II regulation.(JIS C6802 2011 regulation) 2. Circuit must be APC circuit 3. Whenever single fault happe...